Like in my previous post i mentioned am into R&B. I found these interesting words :).
. Hoochie Mama - More than just a hoochie. A hoochie of hoochies. Someone who excels in all the qualities of hoochidom. "Yo . . . you ain't nothin but a hoochie mama!"
. Holla Back - Call back (Not Holla of spanish, which means Hello).
. Dont PHUNK with my heart - What does PHUNK mean anyways?
. Gracias - Thank You in Spanish. I love this word. It sound so sweet.
. a'ight - All right
. aw yea - Oh, Yes
. aw naw - Disagreement.
. Bling Bling - Used to be jewelry such as silver, platinum, or diamonds and sometimes gold. Now the word expands to describe extremely expensive style of clothes, cars and general life-style.
. Bone - Ya know it all.
. et al. - This means "and others". This book is composed by Bhavishya at al.
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Here are some more common words
prerogative - An exclusive right or privilege held by a person or group, especially a hereditary or official right
pretentious / ostentatious - Characterized by an exaggerated show of dignity or self-importance, show off
stereotype - A generalization, usually exaggerated or oversimplified and often offensive, that is used to describe or distinguish a group. cliché - A trite or overused expression or idea. A much used expression that has lost its freshness and descriptive power. Some clichés are “I thank you from the bottom of my heart” and “It's only a drop in the bucket.”
trite - Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition; hackneyed.
decipher - figure out, understand.
Talk the Talk - Dont really mean
Walk the Talk - Action
Promiscuity - This one came from Mistirious Girl song - Promiscuity is the practice of making relatively casual and indiscriminate choices. The term is most commonly applied to sexual behavior, where it refers to sexual intercourse that is not in the framework of a long term monogamous sexual relationship.