Saturday, November 03, 2007

Cleaning my Snowboard

sob, Bop-bop ta-da-da bop-bop Ta-da-da (background musik)

Summer's over and soon it'll begin to snow in Sierras, these day preparing myself for the 3rd snow spell, and oh ye, before you ask, i grabbed this from interenet cause i liked it, no other reason :)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Summer is Back!!

Summer is back and its time for Fun :)
Took off from work last Friday and was in Yosemite Valley, Saturday moving around Tuolumne Meadows, Sunday in San Francisco downtown and fisherman wharf. Spent my Monday in Monterey.

This weekend was fun too, we camped at Portola Redwood State Park. The food was good and so was the long Saturday hike. Came back today and craving to go for my next trip the coming weekend.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Wave Surfing in Santa Cruz

On my adventure blog!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Ocen Kayaking at Monterey Bay

Check out my experience Kayaking at Monterey

Sunday, March 04, 2007

trip back home

I'll be visiting India on 15th for 2 weeks and am not excited about it. Its been a long time since i visited back home and am dying to see my parents and sis again. But I would rather have them come here and spend time than me traveling back.
Journey back home is never easy, sitting on those squeeze seat for 19 to 22 hrs, getting through New Delhi custom and then dealing with taxiwallas; the awful infrastructure, bumpy rides, and traffic clogs are my biggest nightmares. Once home, the obligation to visit friends and those frequent power cuts makes life more miserable.
The 2 week so called "vacation" becomes an ordeal and more often than not i come back tired, exhausted and sick.
On a positive note, with my each visit, things are getting better, now that abrupt power supply is a power cut, there are some awesome shopping malls (i love to shop in india), and nicer places to visit. There's a change for good, ironically in spite of the country being on global map the change is so very slow that it wouldnt be kind of place i would like it to be at least in my lifetime.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Snowboarding at Squaw Valley - Tahoe

Had a fun day snowboarding at Squaw Valley yesterday and down with body pain today :)
Just finished writing my new Blog Page and would continue to write some of my past expereinces too.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

half a million dollar baby

this is not a sequel, it’s the cost of my new love am planning to buy. I have been looking to buy a house in Bay Area for I guess more than 8 months now. Checked out a lot of places and whatever I liked was way beyond my budget, and the one that fit my wallet didn’t please me. This one I saw yesterday and it was like love at first sight, its in “Fremont” (and people say am obsessed with this city) a single family small home, best part no HOA dues. Though am not really sure if I can afford it, but I would like to give it a shot. The actual cost is 25 grands over the half metaphor. Wish this was a girl, I could just give it a Ring tomorrow and make it mine forever :)

Friday, February 09, 2007


Heard the news of unfortunate death of Anna Nicole Smith, not that she was my favorite or something, but its unfortunate for someone so young to go through what she had to.
Our body is like any other machine; you got to take care of it. The better u take care of it, the better it’ll take care of you. Young kids don’t understand the importance of keeping inner self healthy and rather care about the looks (so was I when I was young). Like in her case, she went through slim treatment, silicon implants and multiple surgeries to get better looks, but was addicted to strong drugs, antidepressants, alcohol and smoke. Its like polishing your car every day but running it on adulterated fuel.
Please everyone, take care of your body, eat healthy, exercise, quit all bad habits (its never too late) and enjoy your life, cause you never know what future beholds, it could be a long or a short life, but live healthy as long as you live. Let this world remember you long after you are gone.

Bhavishya Sharma : This blog is my tribute to Darnell Dawkins who died at a very young age of 23 but is still remembered for his talent.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Colts won the XLI Super Bowl

Though I expected this to be a piece of cake for Bears, Colts indeed had an upper hand through out the game from second quarter onwards.
For last 3 nights I was in Yosemite camping in Snow!!, probably the coldest I ever camped in ;), every morning I got up with a thin layer of ice a top of my 1000 down sleeping bag I bought for my backpacking trips. Am happy that the gear worked as expected, thanks to 3 layers of padding (2 layers of thermarest pads and an insulation pad) and a fleece blanket over my sleeping bag, I slept quite well. I'll discuss it in a new blog page (Aloha) i'll upload pretty soon.
So back to the game, we were suppose to go for a brunch today in Yosemite after a tedious hike yesterday, but I convinced the guys I carpooled with to skip and start early morning so that I can catch up on game, and man it was fun. Colts were pretty good in rain in spite of first few fumbles (which Bears did too later in the game), and the best part was the interception of Grossman’s throw to Muhammad by backup cornerback Kelvin Hayden who took it for a touchdown!!.
Tony Dungy today kissed the trophy as a coach several years after winning it as a player, and Peyton Manning was named MVP.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Daylight-saving change could confuse gadgets

On Monday, US President signed an energy bill that will lengthen daylight-saving time by four weeks starting in 2007. The four-week extension could save the equivalent of 100,000 barrels of oil per day in energy use, --raising the possibility of a smaller-scale repeat of Y2K-like problems.
For most computer users, their computers will be updated with new software by then, or configured to connect to network time servers that will know the correct time.
But because not everyone's computer is networked or updated, some glitches could occur, especially in consumer electronics devices that aren't designed to be reprogrammed.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

honey r u okay..?

Wish my car could answer this, bumped my beloved Prius to pole at my apartment parking lot :(, God what can i do about it, i love my car and take care of it so much, thankfully its just some scratches to the rear right door. need to get it fixed as soon as i get better, have been on bed for 2 days now, think its food poising after eating at a popular Indian restaurant. I hope i don’t need to take my car to body shop for repaint, that would cost a little too much. If you got any suggestions to fix it please email me.

Monday, January 15, 2007

70's golden era in music

Not sure if its cause i was born in 70s or it really is, i am so obsessed with 70s musik. When it comes to music I love verity, from R&B/hip-hop/soul/Reggae to Country, Rock to Pop, Indie to Blues, I listen to almost everything, but nothing hits me like 70s, offcourse I cant ignore 50s and 60s for bringing Beatles and Elvis. Mid 60s to 70s was the era of music composers and lovers, I think the time churned out greatest music lovers, as hippie culture and drugs contributed to a new wave of thinking and brought many legendary artists who have been biting dust to the center stage of worlds music. I'll slowly recall every possible artist of that era i like and list them down here with time. So here it goes in random order
Led Zeplin, Eagels, Elton John, Bob Dylan, temptations, Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, Bee Gees, KISS, Van Halen, Queen, The Doors, Bruce Springstien, MeatLoaf, The Who, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Def Leppard, Black Sabbath, Kiss, Iron Maiden, Atomic Rooster, Deep Purple, Jethro Tull, Billy Joel, Abba, Dire Straits, Eagles, John Lennon, and the list continues..

Monday, January 08, 2007

One step Closer

Life plays all kind of games, today was sunny not just outside but inside, am happy about what happened today, its a big achievement and a step forward in my journey to life, I've been waiting for this day for quite a while. And through this blog I want to share my happiness with you, here's one of my favorite song.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Watching you walk away

I've lived my life alone for past 13 yrs, long enough for anyone to know what life is all about. The time just doesn’t fly off, I’ve lived every moment of it, the moment of highs and lows, pleasure and pain, time of luxury and time without a penny for meal, time of borrowing from friends and time of lending it forever. I’ve come a long way and some of it I attribute to my principles, though sometimes shaky I stick to most of the times.
Have gone through all this and being at a point where every goal seems achievable and every wish seems granted, I never though there would be a juncture when I’ll find myself so helpless that I wont have a stake in my own life. At the point in my life when it came to making a very important decision, I surrendered to things that are against my principles & beliefs, and I realized that am not alone, what I do matters to everyone around me, it just that everything I did so far was acceptable and noone ever made me feel the presence, but when I wanted to take a different course, I heard several voices, voices that care about me, not about my thoughts. Its not that am heart broken, am disappointed, disappointed that I couldn’t convey the message I wanted someone to get, I couldn’t make someone hear what my heart said and that every word I said was true and well thought, disappointed that we decided to part without giving ourselves an opportunity.