Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Independence Day ;)

So i resigned today, with a mistake of writing except instead of accept :) and realizing it just after pressing the send button. Well, so here i am, once again on an unknown road (i bet it can not be worse than Bangalore’s pothole filled crap), with lot of question, where will it lead me to, where will i end up, will i survive and so on..
Why this uncertainty comes back after every 3 years. Maybe that’s what life is, or atleast my life is.. Need a constant change.
You must me amazed as to why I named this Para as “Independence Day”.
I guess my life was not in my control, I was living on my employer’s wish. My life was governed by my org. The can send or call me back whenever they want.. Not even for once they asked me what I wish, I tried to but no one cared.
Like some people here say.. We are just a resource, who has lesser value than other resources (like the real estate and computer).
From here onwards, I am planning to live my life by my own wish and rules. I’ll keep posting and lets see where I land up.. Will I get what I want. :)

Friday, November 11, 2005

Silence after the Storm (For all H1B aspirants)

I always thought getting a good job and proving yourself is the key. Never knew there are other things that can be marked as achievement. Went for my H1B a couple of days back. Don’t want to hang-on with the suspense so, Well I got it!!
(With an exclamation).
Why has it come to this? Its not the first time I was at a consulate especially US, but then I was nervous. Maybe this is first time I wanted it for myself. Maybe I was hearing too many rejections at the window.
Well here's the Key: Make a story (make sure its true) and support it with documents. If you can prove your story, you have it.
The news that the cap is likely to get extended by another 30,000 soon came as a breather for most of us. But the ground reality is that it’s as tough as it can be to get it today.
I think this marks as an end to my venture with my current job and pushes me into more competent world of consulting where every time you collect your paycheck, you don’t know if you’ll get it next month or will you be looking for another job. Sounds risky, some say not worth it, while others says not needed. I guess it has more to do with your personal satisfaction. Some are more comfortable on ground, while other enjoy the life on Rapids, I guess am one of the later ones.
Not sure if that’s right or wrong, but I don’t like a stable ground below my feet. I need to keep moving, keep fighting, keep forgetting. I love to be lost, lost in thoughts, challenges, and my own world. Well I see that time ahead. Somewhere in all this, I do what to achieve another milestone, buried in my heart, to get Masters. I hope my next step is a step closer to it.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Hurricane again..

Katrina did a lot of damage to New Orleans and now Rita is standing on Texas door..
Am in Bangalore, why am i worried?
I don't know when i got this idea, i guess when i was 16 or a little before that. I always came across this question. What is the purpose of human existence, why did God created us?
Met a lot of people and all of them have different idea, like a religious Muslim guy once told me, we r here for 3 Ps (to pray, praise and preach about God). Well different people have different thinking, like everyone else, i also have an opinion and that is:
"We are created to make our life useful by adding value to the universe, that can be cherished and enjoyed by coming generations, like we enjoy whats left for us by our ancestors."
So to answer the question, why am i worried about hurricane Rita when an back in Bangalore, the answer is simple, for me world is one, all countries are a part of it as long as humans live there. Any loss (natural or man made) of life or property take back the development/progress of this world by many years and this i think is a sin, we (everyone who is alive on this planet at this very moment) has a responsibility of inventing something new for generations to come. So, any disaster that deviate us from the path of progress is a matter of worry for every human being on this planet earth or elsewhere.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

So difficult to find stuff in Bangalore

No online maps, yellow page, no nothing.. so difficult..
I got overwhelmed by the traffic and bought a KINETIC (that's a change after owning an all wheel drive CRV). Had to get it serviced, couldn't find any place in Koramangala. After a lot of searching, i found a small service station in 8th Block Koramangala (if ur also looking, its close to Shiva theater).
My colleague met an accident and got operated for multiple fracture. I have decided to buy a car. It may be tough to drive here but then its less risky.
No progress in life as of today, everything is stand still. Haven't gained anything in last 3 months. Am promised a promotion and a good salary increment, not sure if that can satisfy me.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Back in India

Came back to B'lore after a long time. Its a different city now. Too crowded, expensive and happening. Though it has managed to get itself on the global map, infrastructure is still a decade behind from today's need.
Went to Kormangala Forum yesterday, it’s a wow for B’lore. Probably the best place as of today.

So whats new with me? Well younger sis got married and I got operated for a lump on my head. Everything is kool. Glad to be back but something is missing, not as happy as I can be, not satisfied at all. Eagerly waiting for the next move, for that new day. When will it happen?

Bay Area, am gonna be back soon...

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

New Words - Not sure why they mean what they mean

Like in my previous post i mentioned am into R&B. I found these interesting words :).
. Hoochie Mama - More than just a hoochie. A hoochie of hoochies. Someone who excels in all the qualities of hoochidom. "Yo . . . you ain't nothin but a hoochie mama!"
. Holla Back - Call back (Not Holla of spanish, which means Hello).
. Dont PHUNK with my heart - What does PHUNK mean anyways?
. Gracias - Thank You in Spanish. I love this word. It sound so sweet.
. a'ight - All right
. aw yea - Oh, Yes
. aw naw - Disagreement.
. Bling Bling - Used to be jewelry such as silver, platinum, or diamonds and sometimes gold. Now the word expands to describe extremely expensive style of clothes, cars and general life-style.
. Bone - Ya know it all.
. et al. - This means "and others". This book is composed by Bhavishya at al.

Source : http://www.thesource4ym.com/teenlingo/index.asp?PrinterFriendly=True&Letter=H

Here are some more common words
prerogative - An exclusive right or privilege held by a person or group, especially a hereditary or official right
pretentious / ostentatious - Characterized by an exaggerated show of dignity or self-importance, show off
stereotype - A generalization, usually exaggerated or oversimplified and often offensive, that is used to describe or distinguish a group. cliché - A trite or overused expression or idea. A much used expression that has lost its freshness and descriptive power. Some clichés are “I thank you from the bottom of my heart” and “It's only a drop in the bucket.”
trite - Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition; hackneyed.
decipher - figure out, understand.
Talk the Talk - Dont really mean
Walk the Talk - Action

Promiscuity - This one came from Mistirious Girl song - Promiscuity is the practice of making relatively casual and indiscriminate choices. The term is most commonly applied to sexual behavior, where it refers to sexual intercourse that is not in the framework of a long term monogamous sexual relationship.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Life chages

Ever thought if it really pays to plan in advance. Sometimes u pat urself to plan well in advance, then the other times, suddenly, like ur life is not in your control. I have been making plans for my next career move for a quite a while and yesterday, i got a news which is a a big blow on all the plans. I need to rethink, restrategise. Its a big chage and i need to take a decision which is gonna be one of the most imprtant decision for me. I hope i pick up the right option.
I have decided to resign in september and look for another job in Bay Area. Plans are to get into consulting intitally and then pick up a full-time job in some org of my choice.
I need to put my plans for MBA on hold for sometime, but am still hopeful, positive, that whatever happens is for good.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

On the Way to fulfil my dream

Always wanted to be one of those who stand on the podium and talk about finacial goals and organic growth of mulit billion dollar arganization. Know a degree from Berkeley or Stanford might help. Planing to write my GMAT in July.