I guess I covered all skin color we categorize human race in (offcourse there are flavors like tan and others, but lets consider these for time being). And i was wondering which color do I like, though the answer would be all of them, but if i have to pick one what would it be? So let me take a litmus test (i was pretty bad in chemistry, though my sis is a PhD, whatever) and see which one do I really like.
So first one (again not in order of preference but in alphabetical), Black, lots of positives, more pigments means better protection from sun's ultraviolet rays. The color looks lot richer and healthy (and I have attraction to it, but am not gonna count that here). Personally i feel blacks are spontaneous, more natural and very talented.
Brown, again attractive rich color, hard working people, intelligence is how i associate them with, one thing i hate about Browns is that they further distingush their complexion as White, Fair, Wheatish and Dark, I mean comeon, does it really matter? You are Brown and thats the truth, live with it and don’t try to judge by the color of skin. Brown people with a little fair complexion (not really) consider themself superior or better looking (excuse me).
Red, dont know much about them, except that this land belongs to them. I think they are very hard working, something like Browns.
White, a lots' been said about this color and is universally accepted to be the most attractive. I need to admit, white are a very thoughtful, and that’s one big reason for sucess of this race.
Which brings me to the last one, Yellow, quite intelligent and hardworking but i find them so very obsessed with white that I just don’t get it.
So my conclusion, my favourite color of skin would be "BLACK".
~ Bhavishya Sharma