It all started when i admitted to my parents that am planning to marry this girl i have known for a while, though they agreed, things didn’t go well between us and we wrapped it up. Now my parents know that i intend to get married and they are scanning all north Indian Brahmin girls in TOI matrimonial section. So what if i take that route, first, our parents would go for a horo match, then they'll talk about each other family and values. Last thing in the list would be for me to meet the girl for few minutes and come out with my decision, by then if everything else works out, pressure would be so much that i wont be able to say no, even if i wont even know how she looks behind that makeup she got from around the corner beauty parlor, doh?. Imagine, I agree and we get married and then next morning she, after taking a shower, is sitting in a group of same age women, now’s the real problem, how would i recognize who my wife is? 'cause the girl i saw till now (and that’s twice, first time on the day i had to decide and next time on the day of our marriage) aint wearing that makeup anymore, and i cant figure out which one did i get married to.
I have a good american friend I work with, he is married for 5 yrs, has a 6 yr old daughter, was living with his gf for 7 yrs when they decided to get married and by that time their daughter was already one.
Offcourse that aint gonna happen to me, but atleast God would i get a chance to know my girl a little better than a few dates?
Offcourse that aint gonna happen to me, but atleast God would i get a chance to know my girl a little better than a few dates?
In between all this, there's an escape route I am planning, if i can somehow dodge this on my next India visit in March and enroll for an MBA by Nov of next year, i may get lucky for another 3 yrs.
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