Monday, January 15, 2007

70's golden era in music

Not sure if its cause i was born in 70s or it really is, i am so obsessed with 70s musik. When it comes to music I love verity, from R&B/hip-hop/soul/Reggae to Country, Rock to Pop, Indie to Blues, I listen to almost everything, but nothing hits me like 70s, offcourse I cant ignore 50s and 60s for bringing Beatles and Elvis. Mid 60s to 70s was the era of music composers and lovers, I think the time churned out greatest music lovers, as hippie culture and drugs contributed to a new wave of thinking and brought many legendary artists who have been biting dust to the center stage of worlds music. I'll slowly recall every possible artist of that era i like and list them down here with time. So here it goes in random order
Led Zeplin, Eagels, Elton John, Bob Dylan, temptations, Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, Bee Gees, KISS, Van Halen, Queen, The Doors, Bruce Springstien, MeatLoaf, The Who, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Def Leppard, Black Sabbath, Kiss, Iron Maiden, Atomic Rooster, Deep Purple, Jethro Tull, Billy Joel, Abba, Dire Straits, Eagles, John Lennon, and the list continues..

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